
At Cornerstone, our members are those who have proclaimed faith in Jesus for the forgiveness of their sins, have been baptized, and have entered into covenant relationship with those who make up Cornerstone for the purpose of declaring and displaying the gospel to each other and to the world.

Membership is a three step process

Discover  Cornerstone

Discover Cornerstone is a class that covers our mission, values, and core beliefs. A weekend discussion driven class that explores ‘why we do, what we do,’ and examines how Cornerstone is seeking to “make all things new” in every aspect of life.  
Our facilitators lead adults through lessons supported by a workbook, and group discussion. Dinner and Breakfast will be served.
Discover is offered two times per year, March and September 

Meet with an elder

After you have completed the Discover Cornerstone Class, you will meet with our elders to discuss any questions you may have about membership. This is also an opportunity for you to talk about your faith, your commitment to Christianity, how you will be joining (profession of faith, transfer of membership or reaffirmation of faith), baptism for you or your children and the membership vows.

Be Introduced.

On a Sunday following the meeting with the elders, all new members will be introduced to the rest of the Cornerstone family at one of the morning worship services and publicly reaffirm the membership vows. If you or your children need to be baptized, we will perform that on this Sunday as well.  
*See FAQ section below. 


When Cornerstone enters into covenant membership with you, we are testifying that to the best of our knowledge, you are a follower of Jesus. This should be a very encouraging affirmation! When you are doubting, when you find yourself in sin and shame, when you fear that God's salvation is not for you, covenant membership serves as a reminder that there is an entire faith family that testifies (to the best of their knowledge) to your salvation.

Likewise, when you are in sin, and your sinful heart refuses to repent of the sin and seek forgiveness and healing, the covenant members of the church walk with you, in grace and truth, to help you see your sin, confess your sin, and turn from your sin before it destroys you. This is an act of gracious love and why we find much value in covenant membership.

what else should I know about membership?

How long do you recommend attending Cornerstone before joining?

We suggest waiting 6-9 months to join. Like any relationship, it takes time to get to know one another.  We invite you to take the membership class and then wait to join. Membership is not required once you complete Discover Cornerstone, but for those wishing to become members, participation in Discover Cornerstone is a prerequisite.

What is covered in the membership class and when is it offered?

Discover Cornerstone is a class that covers our mission, values, and core beliefs. A weekend discussion driven class that explores ‘why we do, what we do,’ and examines how Cornerstone is seeking to “make all things new” in every aspect of life.  Our facilitators lead adults through lessons supported by a workbook, and group discussion.
Our membership class is offered as a weekend class, Friday 5:30-8:30pm and Saturday 8:00 - 12:00pm in March and September. We provide food +beverages.

What are the categories of  membership ? 

There are three methods by which individuals may join the Church.
  •  If you are a new Christian, have never been baptized, and are not a member of a Church currently, you will join by Profession of Faith and be baptized into Christ’s Church. 
  • If you are a baptized Christian and are a member of a Church that is not part of our affiliation (The Presbyterian Church in America), you will join by Reaffirmation of Faith. 
  • If you are a member of a Church within The Presbyterian Church in America, you will join by Transfer of Church Letter. After meeting with one of our elders and affirming the membership vows, they will bring a report of your interview to a Session meeting and vote on new members. At this meeting, you will officially become a member of the Church.

What are the membership vows?

  • Do you acknowledge yourself as a sinner in the sight of God, justly deserving His displeasure and without hope save in His sovereign mercy?
  • Do you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as the Son of God and Savior of sinners, and do you receive and rest upon Him alone for salvation as He is offered in the Gospel?
  • Do you now resolve and promise, in humble reliance upon the grace of the Holy Spirit, that you will endeavor to live as becomes followers of Christ?
  • Do you promise to support the Church in its worship and work to the best of your ability?
  • Do you submit yourself to the government and discipline of the Church and promise to study its purity and peace?

If I have a MS or HS student, should they go through the Discover membership class? 

Middle school students, grades 6-8th will attend the Junior Discover Cornerstone. Upon the discretion of the parents and Sunday School teachers of high school students, grades 9-12, we will offer our suggestion if we believe they are ready to attend the adult discover class.  We offer the Junior Discover Cornerstone class once per year, in the spring.  Read more below in the Junior Discover section. 

Is childcare available during the membership weekend?

Yes! We offer childcare, ages 3 years - 5th grade on both Friday evening and Saturday morning. Our childcare team creates a time of lessons and fun for the kids. 

What if some of my views don't align with Cornerstone?

  • In a world where differing convictions are the grounds for dissolving relationships, we believe the church provides an opportunity for followers of Jesus, with real differences, to grow together in the Gospel.

What if I or my children haven't been baptized?

Membership into the church is marked by baptism. It is the initiatory rite of becoming a member of the covenant community. If you are desiring to join the church and have not been baptized we have a class on the sacraments, baptism and the Lord's Supper. To learn more about the class, click here: 

Junior Discover Cornerstone

Junior Discover is for our 6th thru 12th grade students who are ready to give a profession of faith, become members of Cornerstone and take the Lord's Supper.

This will be an 1-1/2 hour class spanning over 5 weeks. The class is an intense course where the parent agrees to support the student at home, reviewing all material and the student is expected to take the course and content seriously, completing work at home and coming to the class prepared to interact.

Once they have completed the course, they will interview with our elders,  take their vows in front of the congregation, and participate in First Communion.  We hold Junior Discover Cornerstone once per year in the early Spring.

The next step is yours!

If you would like to attend the Discover Cornerstone class or to learn more about membership, contact the Church office by email. They will be glad to talk with you about Church membership.